Jogja Blacksmith – PISAU GARPU BAHAN BAJA HSS JULIA DMO5 #bladesmith #amazing #like

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Kali ini saya mengupload video tentang pembuatan pisau garpu dengan bahan baja hss julia dm05 yang sedang #trending saat ini, dengan hasil ketajaman yang luar biasa, sangat halus ketajamannya

Pisau Garpu (Fork Knife) is a type of cutting tool that is commonly used in various industries such as food processing, agriculture, and construction. The term “bahan baja HSS” refers to the material used to make the tool, which is high-speed steel. DMO5 is a type of high-speed steel that is commonly used for cutting tools because of its ability to maintain a sharp edge for a longer period of time than other types of steel.

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